The Purpose Of The SRLOA
The Sassafras Ridge Landowners Association (SRLOA) was established in 1995, blessed and dedicated on the top of the mountain, and has a legally incorporated mandate in all Warranty Deeds of Sassafras and the recorded Covenants and Restrictions for all landowners.
The SRLOA is primarily responsible for the maintenance of all the private roads that provide ingress and egress at Sassafras Ridge and the maintenance and improvement of the community’s common areas. This is the purpose of the association. All roads were officially turned over to the SRLOA by the developers in 1998 with photos to document the grading, culverts and gravel.
Membership in the SRLOA is mandatory for
all landowners at Sassafras Ridge.
Dues are $300 annually.
The SRLOA is governed and managed by an Executive Committee that consists of the elected Board members, the Developers, and Committee Chairpersons. Regular meetings are held where issues are discussed and voted upon by the membership. The Executive Committee also organizes the Annual Meeting and the election of its officers every two years. The Sassafras Ridge Mountain Retreat Bylaws adopted by the members govern the elections, the payment of dues, and the association’s authority and responsibilities. The Treasurer and Executive Committee is also primarily responsible for the filing of liens on landowners who fail to pay their dues (as well as other parties as defined in the recorded Covenants and Restrictions).
Officers Of The Sassafras Ridge Landowners Association
Donald Edwards, President
Penny Wright, Treasurer
Aisha Gilliam, Secretary