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You can pay your dues to the Sassafras Ridge Landowners Association (SRLOA) through

PayPal with your Credit or Debit Card.

Dues are $300. per year. 

Safe, Secure And Verified! 


One Year's Payment 

Click the button below. 

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Landowners: You can also mail a check for your dues to: 


Penny Wright, Treasurer

P.O. Box 43902

Atlanta, GA 30336



Please make checks payable to:

Sassafras Ridge Landowners Association (SRLOA).




Leins will be placed on properties and recorded at the Polk County Register of Deeds for landowners who have not paid their past dues for previous years.  Furthermore, after the lein is placed, it will be reported to the credit reporting agencies. The filing of these liens will be done soon and those landowners will be receiving a Notice of Lien. There will be no exceptions.


You will also receive a PayPal invoice from: with your outstanding

amount and to facilitate your payment. 

Please pay these dues ASAP. 

Thank You.

                                   Thanks for submitting!

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